Saruman sent his vast ten-thousands of troops (composed of monster warriors called Uruk-hai - Orcs cross-bred with Men) from Isengard to attack the small overwhelmed army of 300 at Helm's Deep and destroy the world of Men. During the retreat to Helm's Deep, Aragorn was feared dead (he tumbled off a cliff into a river far below) when the contingent was attacked by Saruman's beastly Wargs ridden by Orc soldiers. During a skirmish, Frodo and Sam were taken captive by soldiers of Gondor as Gollum/Smeagol escaped. Armies were gathering to fight "the last war that will cover all the world in Shadow". Meanwhile, Grima reported to Saruman about Rohan's plans - solidifying Saruman's determination to destroy them. Gandalf left to find Eomer and his 2,000 Rohirrim force who were 300 leagues away, and promised to return within 5 days. To avoid risking "open war" with Saruman's forces, King Theoden decided to take his people for refuge to their fortress at Helm's Deep. At Rohan, possessed King Theoden was reinstated (after Gandalf released him from the spell of Saruman - fully healed and restored) and then banished Grima.

Wizard Gandalf reappeared to the warrior group in the forest as a reborn Gandalf the White ("I've been sent back until my task is done"), and together they rode to Edoras in Rohan. At the Mordor Gate, Gollum divulged another secret pathway (with stairs and a tunnel) for entry, although Sam suspected a trap. Meanwhile, Frodo, Sam, and Gollum traversed through a swampy Dead Marsh and evaded a Nazgul Black Rider-Ringwraith on a flying beast before arriving in front of the heavily-garrisoned Black Gate at Mordor.

Eomer's Rohan riders massacred the Orcs and Uruk-hai holding the Hobbits, but unbeknownst to Aragorn, the two had escaped into the ancient Fangorn Forest, where they were saved and befriended by a sentient walking-talking tree creature (or Ent) named Treebeard (voice of John Rhys-Davies) that held them safely in its branches. Grima banished Eomer from Rohan, and continued to weaken and sicken the King with his powers. The King's only son and heir Theodred was lethally wounded by ambushing Orcs, and the King's nephew Eomer (Karl Urban) was distressed by the killings and wanted to defend the kingdom of Rohan.Įomer was opposed to the King's treacherous assistant Grima Wormtongue (Brad Dourif), who was in league with Saruman and had lustful feelings for the King's pretty niece Eowyn (Miranda Otto). Saruman sent his army out to burn peasant villages, beginning in the region of Rohan ruled by horse-lords and King Theoden (Bernard Hill). Who now has the strength to stand against the armies of Isengard and Mordor? To stand against the might of Sauron and Saruman and the union of the two towers?"). The evil wizard Saruman was allied with Lord Sauron to dominate Middle-Earth ("The world is changing. In a second storyline, abducted hobbits Merry and Pippin were held by an army of Saruman's Uruk-hai/Orcs and taken to Isengard, while being tracked by three of the original Fellowship: exiled Gondor heir Aragorn, dwarf Gimli and keen archer Legolas. Pitying him, Frodo decided to trust Gollum/Smeagol, to act as his Master, and have him be their guide on the way to the Black Gate of Mordor. They were pursued on their arduous trek by the cave creature Gollum (physically and mentally deformed and corrupted - obsessed with repossessing the Ring for himself), thinking that they were thieves who had stolen his "My precious". The film picked up the story of Frodo and loyal companion Sam on their way to Mordor, lost on the treacherous rocky mountain path of Emyn Muil. The sequel opened with a flashback (and Frodo's dream) of the scene in the first film when Gandalf battled the fiery Balrog at the Bridge of Khazad-dum and fell into the chasm, as they continued to fight each other. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002) The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012) | The